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Humanitarian aid for Mubimbi - we are continuing our commitment to Pharmacists Without Borders in Burundi

Apotheker ohne Grenzen 2024 in Mubimbi
Apotheker ohne Grenzen Deutschland e.V.

This year marks the start of our seventh year of cooperation with the non-profit organization Pharmacists Without Borders. The organization is committed to the sustainable improvement of healthcare structures for people in need worldwide, focusing on fast and flexible pharmaceutical emergency aid after disasters and the procurement of vital medicines and pharmaceutical expertise. These are issues that are particularly close to our hearts as a pharmaceutical company and which we therefore support financially with conviction.

In the past, our annual support has contributed to the successful implementation of many projects by Pharmacists Without Borders, including the construction of a Primary Healthcare Center in Lebanon, the establishment of a primary healthcare facility in Haiti and, most recently, pharmaceutical training at a PTA school in Burundi.

As part of the training project in Burundi, the Pharmacists Without Borders association became aware of the catastrophic conditions in Burundi's Mubimbi community last year. Due to heavy rainfall in the region around Burundi and the resulting floods, many people lost their homes and were resettled in Mubimbi.

Living conditions on the ground are poor: there is an acute lack of access to basic resources such as water, food, energy and, above all, adequate healthcare. In addition, a disease with cholera-like symptoms is currently rampant at the locations, which urgently require support in the form of medication and appropriate medical consultation.

Pharmacists Without Borders would like to support the local people by setting up a medical station and providing the necessary medicines to ensure basic medical care. An important mission that we would like to support with this year's donation to Pharmacists Without Borders.

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